Saturday, October 25, 2008


Winter is taking over! The mornings are cold, icy and rainy. both make for a challenging boot camp, but I seem to be hanging in there.

I walk/ran my first 5K today in 39.30 minutes and it was ROCKIN! It was on the UGA campus and if you have never been I can tell you that there are some hills that at 24 I had a hard time capping on a bike. Today I walked up them, but I did it with all I had and during moments of desperation (teehee) I could hear April's voice in my head saying, "keep those arms moving. they will get you up that hill.' and low and behold...THEY DID!

In celebration of the completion (Brian did as well) I hit Bulldog Sporting goods immediately after for a new sports bra, warming socks, a winter workout vest and a pair of Nike running gloves. I love my new gloves so much that I am calling them 'driving gloves' today, so that I can wear them even though it is 60 degrees outside. Brian got a bag of gourmet coffee from Ron at Healthy Gourmet.

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