9/6/08 9/30/08
BMI: 26.70-25.20
Weight: 170.60-161.40
Body Fat: 33.3%-32.7%
Neck: 13.50-13.00
Chest: 37.75-37.00
Waist: 33.90-32.75
Hips: 43.50-42.50
R Bicep: 12.00-12.00
R Bicep: 12.00-12.00
R Thigh: 25.75-24.90
Fun, funky, and thoroughly functional, LyLou bags are the must have accessory for the modern woman. Whether you are a fashionista on parade, a mom on the go, a career woman on the rise, or simply the girl-next-door, there's a LyLou bag made especially for you and your unique lifestyle! For more information visit www.lyloudesign.com or email lynn@lyloudesign.com